Jim and Sweet conversations
1-29-05 2:41 am. Had second date with Cari at PJ Ryan’s. Idea for conversation between Jim and Sweet. The fuckers need to start talking to each other.
“I will be happy traveling carefree. Will I be happy with the consequences this self-centered narrow-minded shot through the open wild will bring? As a young boy I knew I had a great power. I know everything I need to know. Everyone knows everything they need to know. Everything is one thing and we’re all a part of it, yet every mind perceiving this is different so each one thing is a different thing, unique to every mind. It is too simple to believe or remotely regard as important. It might seem a complicated and difficult thing to become a doctor and it is. Yet everyone knows how to do it. Through study, work, and single-minded purpose you can become a doctor. There might be hardships. Overcome them. Reject them. If you really want something you will notice those things in the world set to help you. Everything else will fall away. I know running away from home and Margaret will bring me happiness. My heart and soul will sigh in awe of the great open I will wander through. The big open nothing free fall of my heart will clean away those negative things that lived on my soul. Then what? I will be clean and free and ready to return. What will I return to? I set out on my journey leaving behind my home in shambles of my own doing. What would a clean soul matter in this mess I left behind?”
“It isn’t easy kid.”
“I didn’t say it was easy friend. If happiness were easy, everyone would be happy. I said it was simple.”
“Sure. Life is what you expect it to be. It is what you are looking for. If you want a tidy life you’ll find a tidy life. Many people live tidy bliss. If you want a wondrous life you will live a wondrous life. Many people live a wondrous life. It’s all in reach depending on what you want more. You can’t have everything at once. That would be confusing, contradictory and silly. Clear your head out here and then go back. If you went back in the state you’re in now you’d be damn useless anyways.”
“There’s a goat.”
“I see it.”
“He’s squatting.”
“Yeah. Kinda funny. Look at him. Looks like you a minute ago.”
“Fuck off.”
“No really. What’s the difference? Everybody poops, right?”
“Here we are all the same outside in this forest. Shitting out here in the woods what distinguishes me from that goat? I could learn or thing or two from him. Seems to have that squat down pat.”
“Now you’re catching on brother.”
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